“At first, I was nervous about going in China. I’ve always been somehow of a control-freak and I knew that while studying abroad in China and traveling throughout Asia there would be so much out of my control. But, it was such an important opportunity for me to get out of my comfort zone. I am enjoying studying in China. Thanks EGGI Global Services Limited ”

“I am considering myself a luck person when I got information that I was selected to join the university in India via EGGI Global Services Limited. During my secondary school education, I was thinking and asking myself how can I get a chance to study abroad, but EGGI Global Services Limited answered by question.”

“I am realizing now, I was right choosing Aeronautical Engineering, the program is excellent and fit me very well with my dreams. Also, I am enjoying studying Aeronautical Engineering in China. I would like to encourage others from Tanzania and other parts of Africa to contact EGGI Global Services Limited so as they can get chances to study abroad especially in China.”

“Studying abroad adds nextlevel to your previous schoolexperience. It takes you out of your element and places you where you are less comfortable, allowingyou to learn in a new way. Experiencing other cultures around theglobebroadens your skills,knowledge base and understanding and teaches you to think positivelyand live differently. It is thereforeimportant, today, to have a strongunderstanding of different cultures, and I think sending morestudents abroad, especially from Africais an easy way to set up our existinggeneration to be a globally-minded society which will stimulate development of our young countries.”
Plan Study Abroad
The best Solution to study Abroad
Be admitted to top International Universities and Colleges. Find your choice of study program and a country you are looking for via our online submission or just get in touch with counsellor available online or just call, text us via our mobile lines. Studying abroad is now easy because of Plan Study Abroad. Our aim is to make sure that every student keen to go abroad, is able to study in the best university. You will never regret! We value our customers. Do not be confused, just contact us!!